sequential time

listen to the pronunciation of sequential time
İngilizce - Türkçe
Sayıların 1: 02: 03 4/5/06 veya 01: 23: 45 on 6/7/89 gibi sıralılık gösterdiği zaman ifadesi
İngilizce - İngilizce
A sequential time is one in which the numbers form a normal sequence, such as 1: 02: 03 4/5/06 (one hour, two minutes, and three seconds past midnight on April 5, 2006). Short sequential times appear every day, such as 1: 23: 45. Larger sequential times rarely appear, such as 12: 34: 56 7/8/90, or 01: 23: 45 on 6/7/89 (obviously, these time artifacts are dependent of the time format being used, the U.S. having different date order to most of the rest of the world)
sequential time


    se·quen·tial time

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    sıkwençıl taym


    /səˈkwenʧəl ˈtīm/ /səˈkwɛnʧəl ˈtaɪm/