
listen to the pronunciation of dehydrate
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
suyunu al
suyunu almak
suyu çıkmak
suyunu çıkarmak
{f} su kaybetmek
su kaybet/kurut
{s} susuz
{i} suyunu çıkarma
{i} kurutma
(Turizm) sıvı kaybı
{f} suyunu çıkar
suyunu giderme
suyundan arıtma
su kaybet/kurut
{s} kurutulmuş
dehidrate,v.suyunu çıkar: adj.suyu çıkarılmış
(Biyoloji) dehidrate
{s} susuz, kurumuş
(Diş Hekimliği) vücutta veya herhangi bir dokuda su kaybı
(Tekstil) dehidrasyon, su giderme, kurutma
dehidrasyon (özellikle ısı ile bir kimyasal bileşimden suyun alınması/ayrılması)
(Biyoloji) dehidratasyon

Tom dehidratasyon belirtileri ile hastaneye kaldırıldı. - Tom was hospitalized with symptoms of dehydration.

Hava çok sıcak olduğunda dehidratasyonu önlemek için çok su içmen gerekir. - When it's very hot, you should drink lots of water to avoid dehydration.

Английский Язык - Английский Язык
to lose or remove water; to dry
to deprive of water
remove water from; "All this exercise and sweating has dehydrated me"
To deprive of water; to render free from water; as, to dehydrate alcohol
{f} deprive of water, remove water from; lose bodily fluids
When something such as food is dehydrated, all the water is removed from it, often in order to preserve it. Normally specimens have to be dehydrated. = dry + dehydrated de·hy·drat·ed Dehydrated meals, soups and sauces contain a lot of salt
preserve by removing all water and liquids from; "carry dehydrated food on your camping trip
lose water or moisture; "In the desert, you get dehydrated very quickly"
To remove bound water or hydrogen and oxygen from (a chemical compound) in the proportion in which they form water
preserve by removing all water and liquids from; "carry dehydrated food on your camping trip"
lose water or moisture; "In the desert, you get dehydrated very quickly" remove water from; "All this exercise and sweating has dehydrated me" preserve by removing all water and liquids from; "carry dehydrated food on your camping trip
(1) To remove bound water or hydrogen and oxygen from (a chemical compound) in the proportion in which they form water (2) To remove water from (as foods) (3) To remove water from; make Anhydrous (4) To Lose water or moisture; become dry ADVANCE \x 540
If you dehydrate or if something dehydrates you, you lose too much water from your body so that you feel weak or ill. People can dehydrate in weather like this Alcohol quickly dehydrates your body. + dehydration de·hy·dra·tion a child who's got diarrhoea and is suffering from dehydration
To remove moisture from food by drying it slowly in the oven or in an electric or manual dehydrator See: Drying and Curing Food
(v ) - to remove water from, to dry out; a raisin is a dehydrated grape
To remove moisture from a sealed system or a product
To lose water from body tissues
Suffering from dehydration
Simple past tense and past participle of dehydrate
The act or process of freeing from water; also, the condition of a body from which the water has been removed
A drying agent
to take up fluid
to remove water from foods
suffering from excessive loss of water from the body; "fever resulted from becoming dehydrated"; "was dehydrated after the marathon
From which the water has been removed
suffering from excessive loss of water from the body; "fever resulted from becoming dehydrated"; "was dehydrated after the marathon"
Dried out Usually referred to food that has had most of its water removed for preservation See Freeze Dried
The state a substance is in when moisture has been removed from it; too much heat can dehydrate the body
past of dehydrate
{s} dried, parched, lacking water
Having had the moisture removed by thermal means (heat)
preserved by removing natural moisture; "dried beef"; "dried fruit"; "dehydrated eggs"; "shredded and desiccated coconut meat"
third-person singular of dehydrate
present participle of dehydrate
loss of fluids from the body, often caused by diarrhea
excessive loss of water from the body
the loss of water from a sheet of paper from exposure to high-temperature, low-humidity air, or both
Excessive fluid loss from the body, normally from perspiration, urination, evaporation or being sick
the process of extracting moisture depletion of bodily fluids dryness resulting from the removal of water
(1) The process of removing water from a substance or compound (2) Excessive loss of water from the body or from an organ or a body part, as from illness or fluid deprivation
the process of extracting moisture
Depletion of body fluids, to the point where the person can get seriously ill The cure ranges from the mild (drink some water) to the severe (intravenous restoration of fluids)
depletion of body fluids
dryness resulting from the removal of water
Method of food preservation in which moisture (primarily water) is removed. Dehydration inhibits the growth of microorganisms and often reduces the bulk of food. It is an ancient practice, used by prehistoric peoples in sun-drying seeds, by North American Indians in sun-drying meat strips, and by the Japanese in drying fish and rice. It was used to prepare troop rations in World War II, and in recent decades campers and relief agencies have discovered its advantages. Commercial dehydration equipment includes tunnel dryers, kilns, and vacuum dryers. A combination of dehydration and freezing is used in the process of freeze-drying, whereby solid food remains frozen while its liquid escapes as vapour. The dairy industry is one of the largest producers of dehydrated foods, including whole milk, skim milk, and eggs. Loss of water, almost always along with salt, from the body, caused by restricted water intake or excessive water loss. Early symptoms of water deprivation are thirst, decreased saliva, and impaired swallowing. (When more electrolytes than water are lost, osmosis pulls water into cells, and there is no thirst.) Later, tissues shrink, including the skin and eyes. Mild fever rises as plasma volume and cardiac output decrease, and perspiration decreases or stops, greatly reducing heat loss. Urine output falls, and the kidneys cannot filter wastes from the blood. Irreversible shock can occur at this point. The cause of dehydration is treated first; then water and electrolytes must be given in the correct proportions
The abnormal depletion of body fluids, easily detected by dark, concentrated urine Prevented by drinking water or sports drinks before, during and after exercise When you are fully hydrated, urine is plentiful, pale and odorless
{i} drying up; loss of water; abnormal lack of water in the body due to insufficient intake of liquids or extreme loss of fluids by sweating or vomiting or due to diarrhea (Medicine); lack of water; removal of water, removal of moisture
depletion of bodily fluids
the loss of too much water from the body It can make the mushers or dogs sick
loss or lack of water in the body Dehydration may result from prolonged vomiting or diarrhea, and may interfere with or disrupt bodily processes
A condition in which the body does not contain enough water to function properly Dehydration often occurs with low blood pressure, which causes weakness and dizziness
A serious condition where your body's loss of fluid is more than your body's intake of fluid
Literally "loss of water" Ironically, a serious risk for hikers and canoe trippers in this land saturated with water Dehydration, especially in summer, is an ever present risk Drink plenty of water Pay especial attention to any children in your party
a condition resulting from an excessive loss of water from the body
the loss of too much body fluid through frequent urinating, sweating, diarrhea, or vomiting
A condition in which the body is deprived of fluids, possibly affecting the viscous and elastic properties of the vocal folds
Removal of one or more molecules of water from a chemical compound
loss of fluids from the body, caused by diarrhea, excessive sweating or lack of fluid intake
Too much loss of water from the body tissues
Loss of a lot of water in your body High blood sugar can make you lose water and you become very thirsty
A reaction that involves loss of water from the starting material Most alcohols, for example, can be dehydrated to give alkenes
when the bloodstream and the cells of the body contain less fluid than normal, often due to vomiting or diarrhea The body's mineral balance may also be affected
An abnormal depletion of water and other body fluids
loss or lack of water in the body Dehydration may result from prolonged vomiting or diarrhea, and may interfere with or disrupt many bodily processes
A lack of an adequate amount of fluid in the body ; may be accompanied by dry mouth, thirst, constipation, concentrated urine or fever Dehydration occurs when a person's body water content has decreased to a dangerously low level Water accounts for 60% of a man's weight and 50% of a woman's
A separator that removes water from the system fluid
(1) A substance, such as sulfuric acid, that removes water (2) A container or an engineered system designed to remove water from substances such as absorbents or food
(See Drier )
{i} someone or something that dehydrates; device which removes water or moisture from food (for preservation)
A device that removes water from a material
A natural gas processing equipment that removes water vapor by bubbling natural gas through a glycol contactor, which absorbs water vapor
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык

Определение dehydrate в Турецкий язык Английский Язык словарь

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