
listen to the pronunciation of neo-nazi
İngilizce - İngilizce
Describing a group made up of Neo-Nazis
Describing a group which believes in such an ideology
A person of right-wing views
Person who believes in a version of Nazi ideology
one who is a member of a new Nazi group, one who has renewed the principles of Nazism
Neo-Nazis are people who admire Adolf Hitler and the beliefs of the right-wing party which he led in Germany from 1933 to 1945. someone who believes that white people are better than people of other races, and who often behaves violently
neo-Nazi disturbances
riots by neo-Nazis, public disorder caused by neo-Nazis



    () Originally from postwar French (1952), néonazi, used to describe any number of movements, which saw themselves as believers of Nazi ideology or whose ideology had similar attributes. The term spread throughout the Western world acquiring a broader usage.