
listen to the pronunciation of yazdıracak
Turkish - English
(Bilgisayar) print
A picture that was created in multiple copies by printing
Clear handwriting, especially, writing without connected letters as in cursive

Write in print using block letters.

To stamp or impress with colored figures or patterns; as, to print calico
to put the file contents onto paper with a printer; a dialog which contains choices for how much to print, how many copies, color or not, which printer to use
A stamp or die for molding or impressing an ornamental design upon an object; as, a butter print
The final result of the photographic process usually produced from a negative It is a positive picture usually developed on paper
A photograph that has been printed onto paper from the negative
Any impression taken on paper (or silk, canvas or any other material) from any kind of plate or block, worked either by hand or by photomechanical means
To stamp something in or upon; to make an impression or mark upon by pressure, or as by pressure
An image (normally positive) that has been produced by the action of light (usually passed through a negative or slide) on paper or similar coated with a light-sensitive emulsion
To copy something onto a surface, especially by machine
{i} printing; printed letters; printed material; impression (such as a footprint); fingerprint; imprint, seal
A visible impression on a surface
A print is a piece of clothing or material with a pattern printed on it. You can also refer to the pattern itself as a print. In this living room we've mixed glorious floral prints. multi-coloured print jackets
reproduce by printing
A print is a photograph from a film that has been developed. black and white prints of Margaret and Jean as children. 35mm colour print films
If numbers, letters, or designs are printed on a surface, they are put on it in ink or dye using a machine. You can also say that a surface is printed with numbers, letters, or designs. the number printed on the receipt The company has for some time printed its phone number on its products The shirts were printed with a paisley pattern `Ecu' was printed in lower case rather than capital letters
An impression taken from anything, as from an engraved plate
a picture or design printed from an engraving
\print\ n [me priente, fr MF, priente, PP of priende to press, fr, L premere- more at press]1 a: a mark made by pressure: impression b: something impressed with a print or formed in a mold 2 a: printed state or form b: the printing industry 3 a: PRINTED MATTER b pl: printed publications 4: printe dletters : TYPE: 5 a (1): a copy made by printing (2) : a reproduction of an original work of art ( as a painting) made by a photomechanical process (3): an original work of art ( as a digital, woodcut, etching, or lithograph) intended for graphic reproduction and produced by or under th supervision of the artist who designed it b: a cloth with a pattern or figured design applied by printing; also, an article of such cloth c: a photographic or motion pictur copy: esp : one made from a negative–in print: procurable from the publisher–out of print: not procurable from the publisher

I go to the country every summer. - Her yaz köye giderim.

I'll travel across Europe by bicycle this summer. - Bu yaz Avrupa'ya bisiklet ile seyahat edeceğim.

{f} clerk

In the late 1950's, my mother wanted to buy a bottle of rum, and the clerk at the Ontario liquor store asked her, whether she had a note from her husband. - 1950'lerin sonlarında annem bir şişe rom almak istemiş, ve Ontario tekel bayiindeki görevli ona kocasının yazılı izninin olup olmadığını sormuş.

The clerk nodded, so the woman wrote a check and handed it over. - Katip başını salladı bu yüzden kadın bir çek yazdı ve onu teslim etti.


He wrote a book in China. - O, Çin'de bir kitap yazdı.

She wrote the book with very little effort. - Çok az bir gayretle kitabı yazdı.

(Dilbilim) script

In the Middle Ages, anyone who'd oppose to the Holy Scriptures was murdered. - Orta çağlarda, Kutsal Yazılara karşı çıkan herhangi biri öldürüldü.

Tom, do you know what kind of script this is? Probably Tibetan, but I can't read a bit of it. - Tom, bunun ne tür bir yazıt olduğunu biliyor musun? Muhtemelen Tibet, ama ondan bir parça okuyamıyorum.

{f} penned

He penned it down so as to not forget it. - Onu unutmamak için yazdı.


He never fails to write to his mother every week. - O her hafta annesine yazmaktan geri kalmaz.

I can write programs in Visual Basic. - Visual Basic ile programlar yazabiliyorum.

{f} jot

Tom jotted down a message to Mary. - Tom Mary'ye bir mesaj yazdı.

{f} writing

I am not writing a letter. - Bir mektup yazmıyorum.

Writing two separate words when it should be written as one is a big problem in Norway. - Tek yazılması gereken iki kelimeyi, iki ayrı kelime olarak yazmak Norveç'te büyük bir problemdir.


The doctor prescribed medicine for the patient. - Doktor hasta için ilaç yazdı.

Let's see what fate has prescribed. - Kaderde ne yazıyormuş görelim.

{f} written

This poem was originally written in French. - Bu şiir, orijinal olarak Fransızca yazılmıştır.

Esperanto is written phonetically with an alphabet of 28 letters. - Esperanto, 28 harfli alfabe ile fonetik olarak yazılır.

write down

Write down your date of birth here. - Doğum tarihinizi buraya yazın.

I will write down your name and address. - Adınızı ve adresinizi yazacağım.

{f} pen

This is the pencil with which she wrote it. - Bu onun onu yazdığı kurşun kalemdir.

Please write with a pencil. - Lütfen bir kurşun kalemle yaz.

draw up
print in
{f} printed

I can't read handwritten script, so could you please write it in printed script? - Ben el yazılı senaryoyu okuyamam, bu nedenle bunu kitap harfleriyle yazar mısınız?

Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations. - Gazetecilik, birilerinin yazılmasını istemediği şeyleri yazmaktır. Gerisi halkla ilişkilerdir.

aestival [Brit.]

Bicycles are for summertime. - Bisikletler yaz içindir.

I like cold potato salad in the summertime. - Yaz zamanı soğuk patates yemeyi severim.

{f} type

I can't reply your message immediately, for I can't type fast. - Hızlı yazamadığım için mesajına hemen cevap veremiyorum.

You can type, can't you? - Daktilo ile yazabilirsin, değil mi?

Turkish - Turkish

Definition of yazdıracak in Turkish Turkish dictionary

Yılın, haziranın 21 'inde başlayıp eylülün 23 'üne kadar süren, ilkbaharla sonbahar arasındaki sıcak mevsimi
Kuzey yarım kürede haziranın 21 'inde başlayıp eylülün 23 'üne kadar süren, ilkbaharla sonbahar arasındaki sıcak mevsimi: "Çok sıcak bir yaz gecesiydi."- Y. K. Karaosmanoğlu