
listen to the pronunciation of rue
English - English
Any of various perennial shrubs of the genus Ruta, especially the herb Ruta graveolens, formerly used in medicines

a difference.

To cause to feel sorrow or pity
To repent of or regret (some past action or event); to wish that a past action or event had not taken place

I rued the day I crossed paths with her.

To cause to repent of sin or regret some past action
To feel compassion or pity
Repentance, regret
Pity, compassion
to regret extremely
{n} an herb
{v} to grieve for, regret, lamtent
To feel sorrow and regret; to repent
To make (someone) feel sorrow or pity
feel remorse for; feel sorry for; be contrite about
If you rue the day that you did something, you are sorry that you did it, because it has had unpleasant results. You'll live to rue the day you said that to me, my girl. to wish that you had not done something = regret
To repent of, and withdraw from, as a bargain; to get released from
{i} regret, sorrow, remorse
It is used in medicine
If you rue something that you have done, you are sorry that you did it, because it has had unpleasant results. Tavare was probably ruing his decision. = regret
European strong-scented perennial herb with gray-green bitter-tasting leaves; an irritant similar to poison ivy
Sorrow; repetance
To have compassion
To lament; to regret extremely; to grieve for or over
To make (someone) repent of sin or regret some past action
{f} regret, be sorry for, feel remorse
(French) a street or road in France
A perennial suffrutescent plant (Ruta graveolens), having a strong, heavy odor and a bitter taste; herb of grace
To repent of or regret (some past action or event); to wish a past action undone
sadness associated with some wrong done or some disappointment; "he drank to drown his sorrows"; "he wrote a note expressing his regret"; "to his rue, the error cost him the game"
(French) a street or road in France leaves sometimes used for flavoring fruit or claret cup but should be used with great caution: can cause irritation like poison ivy European strong-scented perennial herb with gray-green bitter-tasting leaves; an irritant similar to poison ivy
Bitterness; disappointment; grief; regret
leaves sometimes used for flavoring fruit or claret cup but should be used with great caution: can cause irritation like poison ivy
To cause to grieve; to afflict
rue anemone
A small North American woodland plant (Anemonella thalictroides) having white or pinkish apetalous flowers grouped in umbels
rue anemone
woodland flower native to eastern North America having cup-shaped flowers reminiscent of anemone but more delicate
rue family
or citrus family Family Rutaceae, made up of about 1,700 species of woody shrubs and trees (and a few herbaceous perennials) in 160 genera. Valuable for timber, edible fruits, and as ornamentals, members are found worldwide in warm temperate and tropical regions. The flowers are conspicuous for their colour, fragrance, and nectar. Economically important fruits in the family include the lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit, citron, and kumquat. Among the ornamentals are common rue (Ruta graveolens) and the unusual burning bush, or gas plant, (Dictamnus albus), whose aromatic leaves contain oil glands that, when squeezed, release a gas ignitable by a match
Inspiring pity or compassion
In a rueful manner; causing, feeling, or expressing regret or sorrow

He smiled ruefully at me.

{a} mournful, sorrowful, woful, dismal
{a} mournfully, sorrowfully, dismally
{n} mournfulness, sorrowfulness, woe
To rue
false rue anemone
slender erect perennial of eastern North America having tuberous roots and pink-tinged white flowers; resembles meadow rue
goat's rue
tall bushy European perennial grown for its masses of light-textured pinnate foliage and slender spikes of blue flowers; sometimes used medicinally
meadow rue
any of various herbs of the genus Thalictrum; sometimes rhizomatous or tuberous perennials found in damp shady places and meadows or stream banks; have lacy foliage and clouds of small purple or yellow flowers
meadow rue
Any of various plants of the genus Thalictrum, having compound leaves and clusters of small white, yellowish, or purplish apetalous flowers
past of rue
Causing one to rue or lament; woeful; mournful; sorrowful
feeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offenses
Causing, feeling, or expressing regret or sorrow
If someone is rueful, they feel or express regret or sorrow in a quiet and gentle way. He shook his head and gave me a rueful smile + ruefully rue·ful·ly He grinned at her ruefully. feeling or showing that you wish you had not done something
{s} mournful, regretful, sad; pitiable, deplorable
Expressing sorrow
in a rueful manner; "`I made a big mistake,' he said ruefully
mournfully, regretfully, sadly; pitiably, deplorably
in a rueful manner; causing, feeling or expressing regret or sorrow
in a rueful manner; "`I made a big mistake,' he said ruefully"
The property of being rueful
{i} mournfulness, regretfulness, remorsefulness; pitiableness, deplorableness
present participle of rue
take the rue
return to religious practice, become religiously observant
wall rue
small delicate spleenwort found on a steep slope (as a wall or cliff) of Eurasia and North America
wall rue
A small, delicate fern (Asplenium ruta-muraria) that grows on rocks or in rocky crevices