
listen to the pronunciation of nepa
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A genus of aquatic hemipterous insects
Congress passed NEPA in 1969 to encourage productive and enjoyable harmony between people and their environment One of the major tents of NEPA is its emphasis on public disclosure of possible environmental effects of any major action on public lands Section 102 of NEPA requires a statement of possible environmental effects to be released to the public and other agencies for review and comment
National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 Act requiring complete analysis of actions that have a significant or major impact on the environment
The species feed upon other insects and are noted for their voracity; called also scorpion bug and water scorpion
The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, which requires a federal agency to document the environmental impact of its actions including an evaluation of alternatives
US National Environmental Policy Act
National Fire Protection Association
National Environmental Policy Act Back to Top of Page
National Environmental Policy Act
National Environmental Policy Act, requires a study of the impacts of activities at federal facilities
The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 declared a national policy to "encourage productive and enjoyable harmony between man and his environment" NEPA and implementing regulations by the Council on Environmental Quality specify procedure for integrating environmental considerations into agency planning
National Environmental Policy Act: The law that forces the BLM and Forest Service to involve the public in the decision-making process
National Environmental Policy Act, 1969
National Environmental Protection Act
type genus of the Nepidae: typical elongate-oval water scorpions
Congress passed NEPA in 1969 to allow public input into the decision making of public resources One of the major tenets of NEPA is its emphasis on public disclosure of possible environmental effects of any major action on public lands Section 102 of NEPA requires a statement of possible environmental effects to be released to the public and other agencies for review and comment (See EA and EIS)
National Environmental Policy Act, passed by Congress in 1969
- National Environmental Policy Act - requires federal agencies to consider the environmental impacts of major federal projects or decisions, to share information with the public; to identify and assess reasonable alternatives; and to coordinate efforts with other planning and environmental reviews taking place
The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) was adopted by Congress in late 1969 and signed into law on Jan 1, 1970 NEPA requires that environmental impacts of major projects funded by Congress be studied and considered