
listen to the pronunciation of maritime
English - Turkish
denizciliğe ait
denizle ilgili
denizcilikle ilgili

Onlar denizcilik müzesine gitti. - They went to the maritime museum.

denizciliğe/denize ait
deniz kenarında veya denize yakın
denizciye mahsus
maritime traffic deniz ticareti
denizle ilişiği olan
maritime law deniz hukuku
{s} deniz kıyısında
deniz seferleri ile ilgili
{s} denizciye özgü
maritime power donanması olan devlet
{s} deniz kıyısında olan; denize yakın
maritime law
deniz hukuku
maritime travel
Deniz seyahati
maritime climate
deniz iklimi
maritime court
deniz mahkemesi
maritime insurance
deniz sigortası
maritime law
deniz ticaret hukuku
maritime territory
maritime and port management
Denizcilik ve liman yönetimi/işletmeciliği
maritime lines
Deniz yolları
Maritime Administration
(Askeri) Deniz İdaresi
Maritime Intelligence Center
(Askeri) Deniz İstihbarat Merkezi
maritime aircraft
(Askeri) DENİZ GÖREVLERİ UÇAĞI: Keşif faaliyetlerinde bulunmak ve düşman denizaltıları ile deniz nakliyatına karşı kullanılmak üzere, özel surette imal edilmiş, kıyıda veya bir yardımcı gemide üslenen hava kuvvetleri uçağı
maritime area
(Askeri) DENİZ BÖLGESİ: Bir deniz harekat alanı; emir ve komuta yetkisinin dağıtılması (ademi merkeziyet-decentralization) maksadıyla, deniz bölgeleri ve tali bölgelere ayrılabilir. Mesela Atlantik harekat alanı; deniz bölgesi ve tali bölge komutanlıklarına bölünmüştür
maritime contingency force
(Askeri) DENİZ ACİL KUVVETİ: Ana NATO Komutanlığı ile belirli bir olağanüstü harekat planı (COP) için mutabık kalındığı gibi ulusal hükümetler tarafından hazır hale getirilme ihtimali olan ulusal veya çok uluslu deniz görev kuvveti. Her COP'un görev organizasyonunda normal olarak, tahsis edilecek birliklerin sayı ve türlü harekete geçirilecek kuvvetlerin türleri gösterilecektir
maritime control area
(Askeri) AÇIK DENİZ KONTROL BÖLGESİ: Amaç bakımından bir deniz savunma bölgesine benzemekle beraber, açık denizlerin herhangi bir yerinde tesis edilebilecek olan bölge. Bu bölgeler; normal olarak yalnız harp zamanında tesis edilir. Ayrıca bakınız: "defensive sea area"
maritime defense zone
(Askeri) Deniz Savunma Bölgesi
maritime engineer
(Askeri) KARA ORDUSU DENİZ ARACI ÇARKÇISI, MAKİNA SUBAYI: Kara ordusu emrindeki bir liman botunun (harbor boat) veya diğer bir taktik deniz aracının mürettebatından olup çarkçı veya ikinci çarkçı olarak, geçici görevle çalışan deniz gedikli subayı
maritime freight
(Avrupa Birliği) (Annex III) navlun
maritime intelligence summary
(Askeri) deniz istihbarat özeti
maritime interception force
(Askeri) deniz önleme kuvveti
maritime interception operations
(Askeri) deniz önleme harekatı
maritime law enforcement
(Askeri) deniz kolluk kuvveti
maritime operations
(Askeri) DENİZ HAREKATI: Deniz üstünde, altında ve üzerindeki kuvvetler tarafından deniz üstünlüğü ele geçirmek veya ele geçirilmiş bir üstünlüğü genişletmek ya da düşmanın faydalanmasına engel olmak üzere girişilen faaliyetler
maritime patrol aircraft; mission and payload assessment; mission planning agent
(Askeri) deniz karakol/devriye uçağı; görev ve taşıma yükü değerlendirmesi; görev planlama etmeni
maritime pine
yalı çamı
maritime power
maritime radio
deniz radyosu
maritime search and rescue region
(Askeri) DENİZ ARAMA VE KURTARMA BÖLGESİ: ABD Kara suları; Federal birlik dışındaki ABD arazisi ile Amerika hakimiyeti altındaki (Kanal bölgesi ve iç Alaska bölgeleri hariç) bölgeler ve tespit edilmiş bazı deniz sahaları. Ayrıca bakınız: "search and rescue region"
maritime special purpose force
(Askeri) deniz özel amaç kuvveti
maritime tactical message system
(Askeri) deniz taktik mesaj sistemi
maritime traffic
deniz ticareti
Marine component commander; maritime component commander; master control center;
(Askeri) Deniz unsur komutanı; deniz unsur komutanı; ana kontrol merkezi; askeri işbirliği komitesi; askeri koordinasyon komitesi; görev kontrol merkezi; seferberlik kontrol merkezi; intikal kontrol merkezi
Undersecretariat for Maritime Affairs
Denizcilik müsteşarlığı
international maritime organisation
Uluslararası Denizcilik Örgütü
the maritime provinces
deniz iller
(AIR) joint maritime operations (air)
(Askeri) müşterek denizcilik harekatları (hava)
Commander, Maritime Defense Zone
(Askeri) Deniz Savunma Bölgesi Komutanı
Future Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
(Askeri) Gelecek Küresel Denizcilik Tehlike ve Emniyet Sistemi
Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
(Askeri) Küresel Deniz Tehdit ve Emniyet Sistemi
International Maritime Organization (IMO) search and rescue manual
(Askeri) Uluslar Arası Denizcilik Teşkilatı (IMO) arama ve kurtarma elkitabı
Joint Maritime Tactical Communications Switching System
(Askeri) Müşterek Denizcilik Taktik Muhabere Anahtarlama Sistemi
customs maritime zone
(Ticaret) deniz gümrük bölgesi
information management officer; International Maritime Organization
(Askeri) bilgi yönetim subayı; Uluslar Arası Denizcilik Teşkilatı
international maritime dangerous goods (UN)
(Askeri) uluslar arası denizcilik tehlikeli malları (Birleşmiş Milletler (UN))
international maritime satellite
(Askeri) uluslar arası denizcilik uydusu
joint force maritime component commander
(Askeri) müşterek kuvvet deniz unsur komutanı
joint force meteorological and oceanographic (METOC) officer; joint maritime ope
(Askeri) müşterek kuvvet meteoroloji ve oşinografi (METOC) subayı; müşterek denizcilik harekatları
joint maritime command information system
(Askeri) birleşik (müşterek) deniz komuta bilgi sistemi
joint maritime communications system
(Askeri) müşterek deniz muhabere sistemi
joint maritime information element
(Askeri) müşterek denizcilik bilgi unsuru
offshore maritime structure
(Askeri) açık denize yapıları yapı
polar maritime air
(Meteoroloji) kutup deniz havası
polar maritime air mass
(Meteoroloji) kutup-denizsel hava kütlesi
recognized maritime picture
(Askeri) tanımlanmış deniz resmi
tactical air support for maritime operations
(Askeri) deniz harekatı taktik hava desteği
united states maritime service
English - English
Bordering on the sea

the maritime states.

Related to the sea or sailing

I enjoy maritime activities such as yachting and deep sea diving.

Of or relating to a mariner or sailor
Living near or in the sea

maritime animals.

situated on or near the sea
{a} marine, naval, joining to the sea
relating to or involving ships or shipping or navigation or seamen; "nautical charts"; "maritime law"; "marine insurance"
orgininating over an ocean (or sea, bay, etc )
bordering on or living or characteristic of those near the sea; "a maritime province"; "maritime farmers"; "maritime cultures
Maritime is used to describe things relating to the sea and to ships. the largest maritime museum of its kind
Any activity connected with seafaring
Of or pertaining to the ocean; marine; pertaining to navigation and naval affairs, or to shipping and commerce by sea
{s} of or pertaining to the sea; bordering on the sea; in relation to the navy or navigation; living in or near the sea
"Connected with the sea in relation to navigation, commerce, etc ; relating to or dealing with matters of commerce or navigation on the sea " (Oxford English Dictionary at the Electronic Text Center of the University of Virginia)
actions performed by forces over, under, or on the seas
– Relating to anything on or near the sea
A word that means "connected to the sea", or "found near the sea" In Canada we call New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island the Maritime Provinces, or just the Maritimes This is because of their closeness to the ocean
Business pertaining to commerce or navigation transacted upon the sea or in seaports in such matters as the court of admiralty has jurisdiction over
bordering on or living or characteristic of those near the sea; "a maritime province"; "maritime farmers"; "maritime cultures"
Bordering on, or situated near, the ocean; connected with the sea by site, interest, or power; having shipping and commerce or a navy; as, maritime states
Maritime Alps
A part of the Alps between France and Italy
Maritime provinces
The region of Canada comprising the provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island
maritime archaeology
A branch of archaeology that specializes on seas, lakes, and rivers
maritime archeology
Alternative spelling of maritime archaeology
maritime law
The body of law concerning international trade on the high seas
maritime pine
A pine tree, Pinus pinaster, that usually grows in the western Mediterranean region
maritime pines
plural form of maritime pine
Maritime Provinces
Canadian provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. They are located on the Atlantic Coast and the Gulf of St. Lawrence. With Newfoundland and Labrador they form the Atlantic Provinces. The name Acadia was applied to much of the region during French colonial rule, until it was ceded to the British in 1713
Maritime provinces
{i} the Maritimes, Canadian Maritime Provinces (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island)
maritime border
border located in the sea, sea boundary
maritime climate
climate characteristic of areas of land located near the sea
maritime law
or admiralty law or admiralty Body of legal rules that governs ships and shipping. One early compilation of maritime regulations is the 6th-century Digest of Justinian. Roman maritime law and the 13th-century Consolat de Mar ("Consulate of the Sea") both brought temporary uniformity of maritime law to the Mediterranean, but nationalism led many countries to develop their own maritime codes. Maritime law deals mainly with the eventualities of loss of a ship (e.g., through collision) or cargo, with insurance and liability relating to those eventualities, and with collision compensation and salvage rights. There has been an increasing tendency to make maritime laws uniform; the chief organization overseeing maritime law is the International Maritime Committee, composed of the maritime law associations of several countries
maritime law
the body of law that governs navigation and other activity in navigable waters
maritime law
(Law) system of special laws and behavior regulations that are related to time spent at sea and sea trade
maritime law
the traditional body of rules and practices relating to commerce and navigation or to business transacted at sea or to general maritime affairs
maritime law
1 A traditional body of rules and practices related to business transacted at sea or to navigation, ships, seaman, harbors, and general maritime affairs It is, and always has been, a body of law separate from every other jurisdiction BACK TO TOP
maritime law
maritime law
Branch of law relating to commerce and navigation on the high seas and on other navigable waters Specifically, the term refers to the body of customs, legislation, international treaties, and court decisions pertaining to ownership and operation of vessels, transportation of passengers and cargo on them, and rights and obligations of their crews while in transit
maritime museum
museum featuring issues concerning the sea and navigation
maritime provinces
the collective name for the Canadian provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island
maritime transport
transportation over the sea
Global Maritime Distress Safety System
The Global Maritime Distress Safety System (GMDSS) is an internationally agreed-upon set of safety procedures, types of equipment, and communication protocols used to increase safety and make it easier to rescue distressed ships, boats and aircraft
National Maritime Museum
a museum in Greenwich, South London, with models and pictures of British ships, and things relating to the sea, sailing, and famous seamen
international maritime organization
the United Nations agency concerned with international maritime activities