
listen to the pronunciation of adroitness
Englisch - Englisch
Displays of skillfulness or ease of ability
{n} quickness, readiness, dexterity, skill
skillful performance or ability without difficulty; "his quick adeptness was a product of good design"; "he was famous for his facility as an archer"
{i} speediness, nimbleness; skill
The quality of being adroit; skill and readiness; dexterity
dexterous, deft or skillful
having skill in the use of the bodily or mental powers
{a} active, skilful, flattering, dexterous, ingenious
Someone who is adroit is quick and skilful in their thoughts, behaviour, or actions. She is a remarkably adroit and determined politician. = adept. clever and skilful, especially in the way you use words and arguments (à droit )
skillful (or showing skill) in adapting means to ends; "cool prudence and sensitive selfishness along with quick perception of what is possible--these distinguish an adroit politician"; "came up with a clever story"; "an ingenious press agent"; "an ingenious scheme
quick or skillful or adept in action or thought; "an exceptionally adroit pianist"; "an adroit technician"; "his adroit replies to hecklers won him many followers"; "an adroit negotiator"
Dexterous in the use of the hands or in the exercise of the mental faculties; exhibiting skill and readiness in avoiding danger or escaping difficulty; ready in invention or execution; applied to persons and to acts; as, an adroit mechanic, an adroit reply
{s} alert; clever, ingenious; skillful, adept