
listen to the pronunciation of successor
الإنجليزية - التركية

Ben zaten halefimi seçtim. - I've already picked my successor.

Sizin halefiniz zaten seçildi. - Your successor has already been chosen.

{i} varis

Tahtın varisi öldürüldü. - The successor to the throne was killed.

{i} halef; vâris
(Kanun,Teknik) mirasçı
Arkasından gelen
yerine geçen
successor in office
görevde halef
successor agent
(Ticaret) müteakip aracı
successor in interest
successor in title
(Kanun) hukuki halefi
successor planning
ardıl planlama
successor to the throne
tahtın varisi
continuity of operations plan designated successor service chief
(Askeri) belirlenen harekat planının bir sonraki kuvvet komutanı tarafından devamlılığının sağlanması
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
A person who inherits a title or office
A person or thing that immediately follows another in holding an office or title

George W. Bush was successor to Bill Clinton as President of the US.

The integer immediately following another
The next heir in order or succession
one who or that which takes the place of a predecessor or preceding thing
a person who follows next in order; "he was President Lincoln's successor"
{n} one who succeeds to another
One that receives title to property
{i} heir, inheritor; one who or that which follows or takes the place of another
a thing or person that immediately replaces something or someone a person who inherits some title or office a person who follows next in order; "he was President Lincoln's successor
The remaining entity, after a partial or total transfer of business
A transaction that is initiated by a previous transaction See predecessor
A person who is chosen to succeed and take on the responsibilities of someone who dies This person is usually the son of the person who dies
The next same level koutline cell which follows the current cell and shares the same parent
a person who inherits some title or office
One who succeeds or follows; one who takes the place which another has left, and sustains the like part or character; correlative to predecessor; as, the successor of a deceased king
A task that logically follows another task The successor task may start only when the prior task is 100% complete, or may start when the prior task is complete to a user-defined percentage, or may finish concurrently with the prior task
Someone's successor is the person who takes their job after they have left. He set out several principles that he hopes will guide his successors
one that follow or replaces another in position of authority
A person who receives, as of right, a share of a deceased person's estate
The next same level koutline cell with the same parent
a thing or person that immediately replaces something or someone
A successor
khalifah deputy or successor
Arabic khalfah ("deputy" or "successor") Title given to those who succeeded the Prophet Muhammad as real or nominal ruler of the Muslim world, ostensibly with all his powers except that of prophecy. Controversy over the selection of the fourth caliph, Al, eventually split Islam into the Sunnite and Shite branches. Al's rival, Muwiyah I, established the Umayyad dynasty of caliphs, which produced 14 caliphs (661-750). The Abbsid dynasty (750-1258), the most widely observed caliphate, associated with 38 caliphs, moved the capital from Damascus to Baghdad. The Mongol conquest of Baghdad in 1258 effectively ended the dynasty. Other Muslim leaders created caliphates with limited success. The Ftimid dynasty proclaimed a new caliphate in 920; Abd al-Rahmn III announced one in opposition to both the Abbsids and the Fimids in 928. A scion of the Abbasid line was set up by the Mamlk dynasty as a sort of puppet caliph after 1258. This caliphate exercised no power whatsoever, and, from 1517 until it was abolished by the Republic of Turkey in 1924, it resided in Istanbul under the control of the Ottoman Empire. Modern Muslim militants consider the abolition of the caliphate a catastrophic event, and its return has been a central pillar of their political program
plural of successor